
Archives → Author: <span>Tamara Lackey</span>

The Darcy Family

The last time I photographed the Darcy family, a couple of years ago, they were just a family of four. Since then, they added on a sweet Sophie, and it’s funny how you just get the feeling like they were always supposed to be a family of five. You’d never know that it was about […]

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lauren & daniel

Lauren &amp; Daniel were married on a clear, beautiful evening. They had a candlelight ceremony and were surrounding by a family I am honored to have come to know, photographing her sister’s wedding and her cousin’s wedding over the last couple of years. You may remember Lauren’s gorgeous bridal portrait… Here is the other beautiful […]

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lauren & daniel

Lauren &amp; Daniel were married on a clear, beautiful evening. They had a candlelight ceremony and were surrounding by a family I am honored to have come to know, photographing her sister’s wedding and her cousin’s wedding over the last couple of years. You may remember Lauren’s gorgeous bridal portrait… Here is the other beautiful […]

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the art of (yummy) cake

Greg Bingham, the Sugar Artist and Owner of The Art of Cake , is a seriously fabulous cake designer. He puts such passion and focus into his work, and his cakes are simply little works of art. And, actually, the wedding cakes are not really little!! But they are typically just such fun to examine, […]

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the art of (yummy) cake

Greg Bingham, the Sugar Artist and Owner of The Art of Cake , is a seriously fabulous cake designer. He puts such passion and focus into his work, and his cakes are simply little works of art. And, actually, the wedding cakes are not really little!! But they are typically just such fun to examine, […]

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The Bartholomew Family

I met Neva Bartholomew through a mutual friend. You know how you like some people in such an easy way? We didn’t become every day friends immediately, I simply liked her. We would later partner with a couple other friends and throw a Giving Party which produced some amazing results. And over time, I would […]

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The Bartholomew Family

I met Neva Bartholomew through a mutual friend. You know how you like some people in such an easy way? We didn’t become every day friends immediately, I simply liked her. We would later partner with a couple other friends and throw a Giving Party which produced some amazing results. And over time, I would […]

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martin luther king jr

My daughter reminded on Friday that today is a holiday, the day that Martin Luther King Jr. was born (or at least today we celebrate that birthday). So I asked her what she’d been taught about him in school. Her response, verbatim: “That he was a hero. That he changed the world. That he said […]

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martin luther king jr

My daughter reminded on Friday that today is a holiday, the day that Martin Luther King Jr. was born (or at least today we celebrate that birthday). So I asked her what she’d been taught about him in school. Her response, verbatim: “That he was a hero. That he changed the world. That he said […]

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Christi-Ann & Robert

I was initially planning to meet Christi-Ann and Robert in Greenville, South Carolina for their engagement shoot. They wanted to use the fabulous open park downtown as a backdrop to best showcase their relationship. We ended up having to postpone due to weather, and they decided to travel up to the Triangle instead. We started […]

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Christi-Ann & Robert

I was initially planning to meet Christi-Ann and Robert in Greenville, South Carolina for their engagement shoot. They wanted to use the fabulous open park downtown as a backdrop to best showcase their relationship. We ended up having to postpone due to weather, and they decided to travel up to the Triangle instead. We started […]

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another thought

My good friend dropped by our house yesterday to catch up for a bit. As we were chatting, her eyes kept meandering to this framed piece I have in my house of my parents: She apologized for getting distracted from our conversation and commented on how much she loved the piece. Always happy to talk […]

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another thought

My good friend dropped by our house yesterday to catch up for a bit. As we were chatting, her eyes kept meandering to this framed piece I have in my house of my parents: She apologized for getting distracted from our conversation and commented on how much she loved the piece. Always happy to talk […]

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Adventures with Jackie and Alex

Shooting Jackie &amp; Alex was an adventure in home – we played inside their house, in each room throughout the upstairs, we were at the piano for an impromptu jam session – then out to the backyard, on the porch and in the front yard – and then we ended up in my cul-de-sac when […]

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Adventures with Jackie and Alex

Shooting Jackie &amp; Alex was an adventure in home – we played inside their house, in each room throughout the upstairs, we were at the piano for an impromptu jam session – then out to the backyard, on the porch and in the front yard – and then we ended up in my cul-de-sac when […]

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