I’m SO excited to be returning to creativeLIVE June 23rd-25th to teach a brand new 3-day live program, Children and Family Photography! Over the last five years, I have taught a number of programs at creativeLIVE, ranging from Photography to Business to Work-Life Balance to Sales to Health & Energy to Relationships to Posing. So it’s pretty cool to be returning to teach my eighth live program, with a strong focus on out-in-the-field shooting, showcasing how to incorporate various locations into a shoot to further enhance the portrait. We will also be focused on a wide range of genres as it relates to portraits – I will also be photographing urban stylized portraits of a variety of children (with a significant emphasis on posing) and photographing a variety of families in a natural setting, as well in a more modern style in an urban setting. Throughout the three days, I’ll also be working with multiple lighting styles, demonstrating best uses for natural light, strobes, constant lights, video lights and flash. There are more reasons than just source of light why you might want to mix things up a bit! We’ll also step through digital workflow and host a real-time client sales consultation, demonstrating prep work beforehand and ultra-rapid album design along the way. This will be a high-energy course, with quite a range of topics showcased – but it will also be rather honest and straightforward about what does and what doesn’t work when it comes to photographing portraits authentically, getting down to what really matters when it comes to photographing children and families. If you would like to join us as an audience member for this course, you can apply right here.* In the past, I’ve been very lucky with the individuals who have made up the audience for my courses. So lucky, in fact, that many have gone on to be friends I speak with regularly. I sincerely look forward to meeting and spending a LOT of time with whomever is selected to join us to be an active part of this program. *Edit: Our audience has been selected already, thanks for the fantastic submissions! Given how fun and emotional and varied every single creativeLIVE I’ve done to date has been, I hope you can be there live and in person! If you cannot apply to be part of the live audience in Seattle, then you can still RSVP to watch the free, live broadcast of Children and Family Photography right here. Speaking of how much variety there has been in the last few years of teaching at creativeLIVE, both in Seattle and in San Francisco, here’s a WIDE sampling of photographs that were either sent my way or shared on blogs or supplied by creativeLIVE or sent to me by media or shared online! A big thank you to each and every person in these photographs – I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you over the last few years : ) From Sales, Sales, Sales:
Photo Courtesy of Lori Fuller
Photo by Niall David
Photo Courtesy of Lori Fuller
Photo Courtesy of creativeLIVE
Photo Courtesy of Lori Fuller
Photo Courtesy of Kenna Klosterman
Photo Courtsey: Fizzahraza Photography
Photo Courtesy of Kenna Klosterman
Photo Courtsey: Fizzahraza Photography
These are so fun! So glad we got to join in the work life balance class 🙂
Really excited to see you teach with live sessions – your studio guests will be so psyched.
Wow. This is a photography on a completly diferent level. I keep looking at these action photos and amazed on the amount of peoples efford that goes into each shoot.