When this sweet family contacted me for a last-minute maternity session, I was SO glad I had space available on my calendar. They contacted me just a couple of days before dad was scheduled to be deployed. The family was headed out to Apex the day before he left, and it just happened to be a day that I was available for a session. We really wanted to do an outdoor session, but the weather here in NC is nothing if not unpredictable. The sky just didn’t want to cooperate with our ideas for an outdoor session. We decided to move everything indoors, and I’m thrilled with the results. The simple background really keeps the focus of these images on the family and their love for one another. I had such a blast with the entire family, and I’m so thrilled with the interaction we captured during their session. Did you ever see the movie “A Little Princess?” (The version that came out in the 90’s, not the Shirley Temple version). There’s a scene in the movie right before Captain Crewe leaves for the war, and little Sarah is tracing her finger down his face. Captain Crewe asks her if she’s memorizing him by heart, and Sarah replies with, “No, I already know you by heart.” That scene ALWAYS gets to me, and I have to admit, this little moment with baby girl and her daddy grabbed at my heart strings, too. I got a little teary-eyed right there during our session.
These kiddos love their daddy SO much!
We also took some time at the end of the session to capture some maternity portraits, and these are two of my favorite images from the session.
I am so grateful to this beautiful family for inviting me into their lives to capture these moments for them. They had an album made to send overseas for dad to enjoy while he’s away from his family, and it’s such an honor to have been able to provide that keepsake for him and remind him that he’s never alone. I’m so very grateful to ALL of our soldiers and their families and the sacrifices they make for all of us.